WEE Pros-Team profitiert von einem vielfältigen Wissen, das mit öffentlichen Versorgungsunternehmen, dem privaten Sektor, lokalen Gemeinschaften und internationalen Geberorganisationen zusammenarbeitet. Wir helfen unseren Kunden bei der Analyse von Problemen und bieten angemessene Lösungen.
Unser Team
Dr. Mustafa Nasereddin
Mit-Gründer & Geschäftsführer
Dr. -Ing. Mustafa Nasereddin ist Experte im Bereich Umwelt- und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Seinen Master in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) erlangte an der Jordan University und der TH Köln. Er ist Promovend der Universität der Bundeswehr München. Vor der Gründung von WEE Pros war Mustafa von 2010 bis 2016 Director of Programs and Technical Services sowie Acting Secretary General der Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). Während der Zeit organisierte er zahlreiche Projekte, Schulungen, technische Arbeitsgruppen und führte die Arab Water Week sowie die ACWUA Best Practice Konferenzen durch. Als Experte für die regionalen Wasserwerke arbeitete er mit vielen internationalen und Geberorganisationen (GIZ, KfW, EU, Sida, EBRD, USAID, World Bank, OFID, JICA, AfD und UN-Organisationen) gemeinsam an regionalen Entwicklungsprojekten im Wasser- und Abwassersektor.
Mustafa Nasereddin führte zwischen 2010 und 2016 folgende Projekte bei ACWUA durch:
- Horizon 2020 Capacity Buildung, EU-Förderung
- Stärkung regionaler Netzwerke der Zivilbevölkerung zur aktiven Teilnahme an Integriertem Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM) in der Region südliches Mittelmeer (Projekt Entire), EU-Förderung
- Projekt Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM), EU-Förderung
- Entwicklung und Erweiterung der Zertifizierung für Business Management und Operational Excellence (DECOE), USAID-Förderung
- Verbesserung von Wasser- und Abwasserdienstleistungen in der MENA-Region (IWSMR), USAID-Förderung
- Diagnose- und Strategieentwicklung zur Verringerung von Wasserverlusten (Non-Revenue Water) in der MENA-Region (Projekt FABRI), USAID-Förderung
- Unterstützung der ACQUA Technical Working Groups (Management von Wasserwerken und Wasserwerksreform), Sida-Förderung
- Projekt ACWUA WANT, GIZ-Förderung
- Projekt MENA WANT, GIZ-Förderung
- Projekt Water Integrity in Maghreb und dem Nahen Osten, GIZ-Förderung
- Benchmark der Wasserdienstleistungen in Jordanien, EBRD-Förderung
- Verbesserung des Ordnungsrahmens für Standards der Abwassereinleitung in Jordanien, EBRD-Förderung
Zudem führte Mustafa wissenschaftliche Komites und organisierte federführend die folgenden Konferenzen:
- Arab Water Week (Kostendeckung von Wasser- und Abwasserwerken in der arabischen Region), Amman, Jordanien, 2010
- ACWUA Best Practices Konferenz (Wasser- und Abwasserwerksreform in der arabischen Region: Veränderungen und Herausforderungen), Sharm Al Sheikh, Ägypten, 2011
- ACWUA Best Practices Konferenz (Wasserressourcenmanagement aus Perspektive der Wasser- und Abwasserwerke in der arabischen Region), Muscat, Sultanat Oman, 2012
- Arab Water Week (Neue Chancen und Herausforderungen für den arabischen Wassersektor), Amman, Jordanien, 2013
- ACWUA Best Practices Konferenz (Standardisierung und Zertifizierung im Management von Wasserwerken in der arabischen Region), Algiers, Algerien, 2014
- Arab Water Week (Innovationen und nachhaltige Lösungen für den Wassersektor in der arabischen Region), Totes Meer, Jordanien, 2015
Feras Matar
Mit-Gründer & Geschäftsführer
Feras Matar ist Experte für Institutionenentwicklung mit über 14 Jahren Erfahrung in Capacity Building und technischer Unterstützung. Er erlangte seinen Abschluss in Wasser- und Umweltingenieurwesen (MSc.) an der Birzeit Universität; seinen Doppelabschluss Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (MSc.) legte er an der TH Köln und der University of Jordan ab.
Feras ist zertifizierter Wasserwerksmanager (Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Jordanisches Arbeitsministerium) und ist zudem zertifizierter Wasser-Trainingsmanager und -trainer (DWA).
Er arbeitete an mehreren Projekten im Bereich der Kapazitätenentwicklung und der technischen Unterstützung für Wasserwerke, mit Fokus auf Effizienzsteigerung in Wasser- und Energieverbrauch sowie Kompetenzsteigerung in der MENA-Region. Er verantwortete zahlreiche PSP- und PPP-Projekte jordanischer Wasserwerke zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz und im Schlammmanagement. Als Chief Executive Officer von Engicon Operations & Maintenance war er Projektmanager im regionalen Wassertrainingsprogramm der DWA. Feras führte verschiedene regionale Trainingskurse zu Themen wie Wasserwerksmanagement, O&M von Abwasserkläranlagen, Bildungsbedarfsanalysen, Train-the-trainers und weiteren technischen Schwerpunkten durch.
Darüber hinaus verfügt er über fundierte Kenntnisse in der Businessplanung, Abwasserbehandlung und -wiederverwendung, Projektmanagement und Unternehmensentwicklung.
Associated Experts
Ramez Al Madhoun
Kommerzieller Experte für Wasserversorger
He is a senior professional with more than 25 years of experience, with more than 20 years of them in the area of infrastructure management and systems building. He had done extensive work in the water sector in Kuwait, Palestine, Syria and Jordan as Water Utility Manager at executive level.
Mr. Al Madhoun is WASH expert with expertise in customer service systems management, domestic network and service provision in rural and urban settings. He managed WASH services in areas in conflict as an integral part of his day to day workload. His contribution focused on supporting communities transitioning from crisis to development where systems need to be established and/or rebuilt.
He is a qualified trainer, public educator and analyst in multiple areas; Monitoring & Evaluation; WASH; utilities management, setting performance indicators; managing Non-Revenue Water (NRW), capacity building and organization development; needs assessments and gap analysis; strategic and corporate planning; design & implementation of computerized billing and CS systems; resilience and recovery in post conflict settings. He has deep understanding to the MENA region and its socio-political complexities, which enabled him to analysing the different situations and anticipate scenarios as they evolve.
Mr. Al Madhoun holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Master’s degree in Economics of Development (Economics), with research on “Performance of Water and Wastewater Services Providers and Requirements to achieve sustainable development goals in Gaza Strip”
Dr. Khaled Rajab
Institutional Expert
Senior development expert, team leader, and trainer with more than 15 years’ experience in strategic planning, project management, local governments, institutional development, monitoring and evaluation, rule of law, and justice reform. Highly skilled in project design, management, and administration for internationally funded multi-million programs and projects. Designed, managed, and supervised the implementation of over $100 million of donor’s programs focusing on community infrastructure, municipal services, planning, capacity building, and policy formulation in the local government sector.
Dr. Rajab facilitated and supported the development and review of various strategic documents and plans including: The Area C National Strategy, the Agriculture Sector Strategy, the Environmental Cross Sectoral Strategy and Policy, Local Government Strategic Development and Investment Planning Policy and Manual, and numerous strategic plans for municipalities. He also provided institution technical assistance support to various projects including: The Development of Waste Water Strategy in Palestine, and the Development of Water Master Plan in Hebron. Served as a team leader for many local and regional evaluations including: Team Leader for the Mid-Term Evaluation of the “NDC- Cultural Organizations, E. Jerusalem 2016-2019” Project; Senior Evaluator for the final evaluation of the “Jordan Communication, Advocacy and Policy (JCAP)” funded by USAID; Evaluator for the ex post evaluation of the “Employment generation program” in Palestine funded by KfW; Final Evaluator of the regional project: "Food Security Governance of Bedouin Pastoralist Groups in the Mashreq (Egypt, Jordan, Palestine)" funded by the EU; Principal Evaluator for Reproductive Health and Violence Prevention Project funded by IFRC; and Principal Evaluator of Japan funded Project “Promote peace building through cross boundary wastewater management in the occupied Palestinian territories” implemented by UNDP
Dr. Maha Al Zu’bi
Environment and Climate Change Expert
Maha Al-Zu’bi has a PhD from the University of Calgary in Environmental Design. She has over fifteen years of experience in managing public and international (UNDP, WB, GIZ, JICA, KOICA, UNEP, USAID) funded programs and projects in various development sectors including water, energy, agriculture, tourism, transport, waste, and environment. Further, she has more than 5 years of experience in managing academic/research initiatives, such as the Global Research Initiative in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources -funded by Canada First Research Excellence Fund- at the University of Calgary. She has extensive experience in international development, donor coordination; resource mobilization and financial management with different organization both in Canada and the Middle East.
Maha conducted most of her research in the Middle East, focusing on the Arab region, with the goal of proposing local climate policy and principles for governance of climate change adaptation and mitigation. She has published in peer-reviewed journals related to climate change governance, green roof policy, and energy-water-food nexus. Maha’s areas of expertise are environmental policy design, action planning, climate change adaptation and governance, public policy, green growth/economy, energy environmental systems, public participation, and sustainable development.
Fawzi Abdoh
Water Reuse & Irrigation Expert
Irrigation and environment specialist with more than 25 years of experience in the fields of soils, irrigation and climate change in Jordan, Palestine, Uganda and Yemen. Eng. Abdoh has rich experience in the field of irrigation and TWW reuse as he served as The Irrigationwater department manager of the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), the Irrigation and dams section Head of Consulting Engineering Centre in Jordan, The National TWW reuse expert for waste water strategy done by USAID for Palestinian Water Authority 2019, the Reuse specialist and the conceptual designer of the following projects in Palestine: TWW reuse scheme of Hebron Governorate WWTP, TWW reuse scheme of Nablus East WWTP, Wadi An-Nar WWTP, Rawabee regional WWTP project. And finally, as the Reuse specialist of the following projects in Jordan: Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Effluent Reuse for Municipalities and the Developed Areas Project, Al Fara’a and Jerash Integrated Watershed Management Project and The Reuse of treated waste water in Northern Jordan valley project.
In addition to that he also has experience in Climate change as he was the formulator of the “Agriculture sector Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan 2018-2020” for the benefit of ministry of agriculture through GIZ Takaiof Project, the state of Palestine UNFCC National Communication Report Coordinator, the coordinator of the training package and climate change and irrigation expert of GIZ Climate Change Adaptation Programme Training Package “Management of natural resources to adapt with climate change.” And the coordinator for the Sustainable Production and Consumption Demo Projects Coordinator for the Palestinian Quality Authority.
He is the responsible expert for the development of “Forward Looking Paper Natural resources management in the context of Climate Change Adaptation” for FAO, which serves as the basis for formulating the National Investment plan of the country food and nutrition security policy for the SDG1 group. He was the expert of agriculture damages and risk for the Establishment of Early Warning and Geographical Information System for Management of Agricultural Risks for the benefit of the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction & Insurance Fund (PADRRIF).
Martin Strähle
Herr Martin Strähle hat über zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit als Berater, Trainer, Moderator und Projektmanager hauptsächlich in den Themenbereichen Privatsektorentwicklung, Berufsbildung und Umweltmanagement und -technologie. Mit Sprachkenntnissen in Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch arbeitet er regelmäßig in Ländern in Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika.
Herr Strähle hat einen Abschluss als Diplom-Ingenieur für Technischen Umweltschutz der Technischen Universität Berlin mit Spezialisierung in Wasseraufbereitung, Umweltmanagement und Bodenkunde und eine Zertifizierung als Europäischer Energiemanager (EUREM). Regelmäßige Weiterbildungen, wie Capacity Works (GIZ) und Facilitation in the International Context (Inwent) runden sein Profil ab.
Razan Freij Habash
Razan Freij Habash is a projects and programs management expert with more than 14 years of professional experience in managing infrastructure, construction and rehabilitation programs and projects as well as humanitarian aid and community development projects. Mrs. Habash holds M.Sc. in Business Administration and Management and B.A. in Civil Engineering from BirZeit University, Palestine.
In addition to projects management, Razan possesses more than 10 years of experience in structural analysis and design and structural evaluation of buildings as well as in QA/QC management, risk management, and setting of mitigation plans for construction and infrastructure projects. She is also experienced in the preparation of contracts, design drawings, BoQs, tender documents, SoPs, MoUs, RFPs, RFQs, organizational processes and procedures, organizations and programs’ guidelines, work plans and programs budgets.
During years of extensive working, Mrs. Habash has built excellent experience in leading market studies and surveys, needs assessments, capacity building and empowerment of organizations and individuals. She has also gathered experience in strategic planning and economic development and support of businesses and individuals.
Abdelbasit Mahmoud
Experte für TVET Lehrplanentwicklung
Mr. Mahmoud is a consultant in Engineering Education and Training/Professional Qualification and Accreditation Council (PQAC) with 42 year of experience out of which 39 years in Engineering, Technical and Vocational Education and Training. He has a Master’s degree and a higher diploma degree in Education, and BSc in Electrical Engineering. In addition to almost 20 months of training (Diploma and certificate courses) in the field of TOT, Management, Vocational Training. in Jordan, England, Italy, USA, and Canada.
Since 1989 he was a consultant, project manager, team leader and as a Trainer and Consultant on TVET and Engineering projects in Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, KSA, UAE/Dubai, Palestine, Italy, Libya, Egypt ,Turkey, Malaysia, Oman and Palestine with international organizations such as GIZ, ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, USAID, ARADO, ACWUA, AFTE and World Bank.
He is a member of Jordan Engineers Association, since 1979; Jordan Society for Quality; Board of Directors/Engineers Training Centre/Jordan Engineers Association (JEA); Classification Habitation and Certification Committees (JEA); Sustainability and Green Council (JEA);; Member on board of directors Vocational Training Corporation (VTC)
Hans Hartung
Experte für solare Bewässerung
Dipl.-Ing. Hans Hartung, M.A.Sc., is a known water expert in international development with more than 35 years of experience. Trained as mechanical engineer, specialised in water pumps and systems engineering, he has a strong theoretical and practical background in water supply, sanitation, water resources management and renewable energies. Through his experience in the developing world, he has come to realise the importance of a comprehensive approach to and responsible management of our water resources.
He can draw from a much-diversified experience in industry as well as with NGOs, governments, bilateral-, multilateral and UN organizations, in rural as well as urban environments, in designing and planning as well as training, in developing as well as industrialised countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has planned, accompanied and evaluated many programs and projects in conventional water supply and sanitation and pioneered unconventional systems such as rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation. He is actively accompanying the capacity development conceptualising measures, such as face-to-face as well as online trainings is one of his key competences. In the last years he has actively accompanied the development, advice and training for Solar Powered Irrigation Systems.
Dr. Saed Jasser
Sozioökonomischer Experte
Dr. Saed Jasser is a development expert, with more than 20 years of solid experience in socio-economic researches, Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation. Dr Jasser holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Development, throughout his work with national, international and the private sector he accumulated experience in organizational capacity building, national strategic planning and policy building, program analyses, feasibility studies. Moreover, Dr. Jasser, has experience in formulating national gender and inclusive education policies and strategies.
Nadia Saad
Kommunikations experte
Ms. Nadia Saad has 30 years of experience in project design and management, monitoring and evaluation, communication, networking and outreach, conducting social, economic, gender and cultural researches and assessment studies. She has provided consultancy services to government institutions, municipalities and civil society organizations in Palestine and the MENA region with funds from donors specifically: EU, SIDA, USAID, World Bank, AFD, GIZ, DFID and others. Ms. Saad has a Master degree in Planning, Social and Political development. And intensive experience as a manger and team leader in 35 projects
Ms. Saad has extensive experience in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating communication and outreach awareness and campaigns programs in water and wastewater sectors. Communication plans involved stakeholders at leadership level such as: senior officers in government, municipalities and NGOs. At the community level the consultant ensured giving space for vulnerable people and engage them with the research studies, vulnerable target groups varied from women, youth, farmers, children, workers and refugees.
Throughout her career, she has carried out 45 evaluation projects, assessment and impact studies with special focus on: water, wastewater, environment, social protection, social inclusion, employment, economic empowerment, education, equality and justice, decentralization and administration reform for government ministries, institutional development and strategic planning for municipalities and CSOs.
Ms. Saad has an extensive experience as a gender expert provided training in gender topics and integrating gender interventions and indicators in different developmental programs. In addition to her experience as trainer and education expert in designing training materials and implementing training courses.
Claudia Iberle
Technical Adviser
Claudia is an interdisciplinary advisor with technical expertise as well as profound experiences in project management. She holds an MA in Geography and Political Science from the University of Munich, and an MSc in Integrated Water Resources Management from the Technical University of Cologne and the University of Jordan.
In her research and work, she has concentrated on climate change adaptation methods, processes and activities of participation, hydrologic modeling, as well as the interactions between land/soil and water. Claudia has strong project management skills, both as a leader and team member, and worked for national and international projects in different fields, such as urban water, regional development, capacity development and continuing education.
In addition to her technical background, Claudia has a broad experience in marketing and communication, including strong networking, digital marketing and presentation skills.
Her international experiences include projects in Jordan, Tunisia, Vietnam, Peru, North America and Germany
Mohammad Mashatleh
Eng. Mohammad Mashatleh is an agricultural expert at WEE Pros GmbH; he has considerable experience in designing and implementing, constructing of green houses, hydroponic and soilless culture systems. Previously he was a senior specialist at Hydroponic developing Unit at Royal Scientific Society (RSS) during his work he was successfully provided strong support and service to numerous organizations, NGOs and customers, while implementing efficient and innovative hydroponic solutions and support for clients. From 2015 to 2020, Eng. Mashatleh was a senior specialist in the Water and Environment Center at Royal Scientific Society (RSS). Before Royal Scientific Society he worked at Modern Aluminium Industrial com. MODAL-Industrial Complex (Nuqul group) as an Industrial Water & Waste Water & Raw Water Treatment Unit Supervisor. Due to his experience and continuous effort, he was able to obtain Al Hussein award for Excellence, Water and Environment sector, (2016, 2018), about his project titled "Hydroponic on rooftops: a new and innovative approach to achieving food security in urban areas”. Mohammad holds a BSc degree in Land, Water and Environment from University of Jordan and a Diploma degree in Environmental Engineer: Water and Waste Water Treatment Technology from Al-Balqaa Applied University.
Dr. Arwa Al-Mothaffar
Experte für institutionelle Entwicklung
Dr. Al-Mothaffar has an honourable PhD in Human Resources, from College of Oxford, UK; and MSc Human Resources Development, University of Manchester, UK; in addition to Bachelor’s English Literature, Baghdad University, Iraq. She has extensive expertise of 44 years with focus in Institutional Development, Decentralization, Good Governance, Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Human Resources Management, Local Administration, Utility Management, and Restructuring in public and private sector. 7 years as University Assistant Professor, and 30 years as Trainer.
Amel Saadoun
Amel Saadoun, eine Deutsch-Irakerin, hat ein Doppel Master in Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM) und ein Bachelor in Umweltschutz erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Sie hat mehr als 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung mit dem Fokus in Kanalsanierung, häuslicher und industrieller Abwasserreinigung (konventionell und unkonventionell). In diesem Kontext hat sie ihr Wissen in nachhaltige Sanitäranlagen einschl. „Scaling up“ den Zugang für urban Benachteiligte, sowohl auch in künstliche Grundwasseranreicherung mit gereinigtem Abwasser oder Talsperrenwasser, Klimawandelanpassung und Kapazitätenstärkung vertieft. Als Freiberuflerin konnte Frau Saadoun ihre Kenntnisse innerhalb des Marcy Corps Projektes, durchgeführt bei WEE Pros, über Libanons Betriebs- und Wartungsmanagement der Versorger erweitern. Derzeit ist sie tätig als Projektingenieurin für die Münchner Stadtentwässerung für die Kanalrenovierung (Schlauchlining) und –reparatur.
Die Arbeit beinhaltet alle Leistungsphasen eines Projektes, angefangen von der Planung und der Kostenkalkulation, die Genehmigungsplanung, die Ausführungsplanung, die Vergabe und Baustellenüberwachung. Frau Saadoun ist vertraut mit dem Saudi Arabischen, der Jordanischen und der Libanesischen Wasser und Abwasser Sektor und deren Herausforderungen. Sie hat mit verschiedenen Interessenvertretern (ESCWA, ACCWaM, AUB, CDR Lebanon, WEEC-University of Jordan, GIZ, BGR und KfW) in dem Sektor zusammen gearbeitet. Frau Saadoun spricht Deutsch und Englisch fließend und hat Grundkenntnisse in Arabisch.
Sharhabil Maswadeh
Experte für Abwasserbehandlungsprozesse
Sharhabil Maswadeh is a senior water, wastewater and Environmental Expert along with a B.Sc Degree in Chemical Engineering from university of engineering and technology, Lahore, Pakistan and 20 years of experience in mega projects with big companies in the field of environment, water and wastewater treatment.
During his previous experience at Degremont & Kharafi National companies as Process & Operation Manager responsible for all technical issues of the plants (plants size vary from 100,000 m3/day up to 300,000 m3/day), he has acquired wealth of practical experience at that national, regional and international level in the technical operational and process advisory of water and wastewater treatment plants. His main tasks were ranging from pre commissioning, dry commissioning, wet commissioning, test performance period, managing operational and process aspects, heath, safety and environmental aspects, technical assistance, sludge and waste management, control budget, preparing training planes, managing power production facilities, optimizing operational cost, preparing KPI's, capacity building of the staff, and prepare technical reports.
Moreover, Mr. Maswadeh was the manger of Water Center of Excellence, which is under the umbrella of the Vocational Training Cooperation and funded by the European Commission. The Center offers training in the water sector to provide workforce with skills needed to enter the workforce of the water sector. He supportedthe establishment of the center; he is also a certified wastewater trainer by CAQA-Jordan
Rafiq Diab
Experte für Umwelt- und Sozialbewertung
Rafiq has more than 25 years of experience working with UNICEF, UNDP, ESCWA, UN-HABITAT, IOM, EC, and GIZ in governance and sector development of infrastructures and social services. His work experience spans over 20 years in a transitional economy and six years in humanitarian response in the MENA region.
Main areas of expertise are management Strategies: strategy & program development, public policies, institutional set-up, regulation and procedures, resource mobilization, monitoring & evaluation, strategic impact Assessment, social & environmental assessment, with special focus on World Bank and KfW environmental & social safeguards, grievance redress mechanism, land acquisition and resettlement policies, construction safety and UXO/ERW security, public information strategies, communication protocols, risk management, design thinking and innovation.
Sectors of expertise are natural environment, infrastructures, spatial management, and social services (water supply & sanitation services, solid waste management, energy, transport, primary and tertiary health services, basic education, community development & housing).
Hanibal Al Najjar
Experte für PV-Solarsysteme
Mr. Al Najjar holds a bachelor degree in Physics from the IUG, with more than 8 years of experience in all types of PV solar systems including design, evaluation, supervision, training and commissioning. He has an extensive experience in design , prepare and supervise Hybrid solar system projects in addition to design and prepare specifications. He works as a supervisor of PV solar systems and technician in Physics Laboratories at the Islamic university in Gaza. Mr. Al Najjar delivered and participated in several training courses and events such as; intensive training course in PV solar systems design and supervision by LEXSOLAR – Germany, participated in the Solar Energy Consultancy Committee in Gaza Strip and gained experience in various types of alternative energy through a visit to Taiwan which was funded by the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah.